You are viewing Jason Willey (ERM)'s screen ERM - Todd Hall ERM - Todd Hall Chat Erik D DeMicco (EEPGL) To Everyone 4:54:02 PM Yes, we can hear audio Dr. Jerry Jailall To Everyone 4:54:48 PM The Oil and Gas Governance Network would like to thank EPA/EEPGL for hosting this forum and recording it for dissemination to the public. Dr. Jerry Jailall, OGGN To Everyone 5:07:03 PM Thank you for time extension. Vanda Radzik To Everyone 5:07:54 PM Yes. Thank you for time extension and availability of recording post-meeting. Janette Bulkan To Everyone 5:08:13 PM The purpose of an EIA is to gather information to allow a comprehensive risk assessment of the USD >9 billion Yellowtail development. I don’t see this in the EEPGL/ERM Study. It does not take a proper risk management approach. A corporate risk assessment should cover: • Exploration • The production of oil and of water and of associated gas. • The FPSO and its activities. • The tankers that are coming in to load from the FPSO. • All the support vessels • The shore bases • And the contractors Questions What are the different kinds of risks? How did you determine the probability of each risk? And for each risk, where is your assessment of the range of intensities of negative impacts, and the probabilities which of course change over the range. Where in the EIA did you account for time? Aiesha Williams To Everyone 5:10:12 PM good evening I am not sure if it is only me however it is difficult to hear the speaker clearly and loud enough Janette Bulkan To Everyone 5:10:32 PM I cannot hear the speaker Alissa Trotz To Everyone 5:10:51 PM yes Alfred Bhulai To Everyone 5:10:51 PM Yes, the speaker is somewhat garbled Aiesha Williams To Everyone 5:10:52 PM a bit better Aiesha Williams To Everyone a bit better Alfred Bhulai To Everyone This is the 4th Project, but monitoring is still the 1st unknown after getting oil. Therefore evidence of monitoring of Guyana's assets and environment in the previous 3 projects MUST be a prerequisite to approval of any further project. The evidence must be publicly available, because the Ministry of Natural Resources and the EPA have failed so far to evince any sign of monitoring. Without continuous monitoring of production, storage and offloading (PSO) there is zero basis for quantification of any impact on the Environment. I don’t see mention of formal monitoring programme, operated by XOM or by a contractor(s) on behalf of XOM, covering all aspects of the oil field development/operation/decommissioning/safe closure. Section 11(4)(a) of the EP Act specifies areas that should at least be covered in such a monitoring exercise. What is EEPGL currently undertaking this monitoring? Where in the EIA do you provide reference to the records and findings of such monitoring? Where can the records be found? Are these records in the public domain? What is the evidence that you have transmitted those records, as EPA alleges that you have not [when/where?] I have written to the Ministry of Natural Resources and have been asking for some time now for the chemical composition of the oil that is being brought up and the flow process for production. As you know, this industrial process including the volumes of oil recovered, chemical composition and volumes of waste discharged into the air and water, and those transported to land must be known and stated in the EIA before a proper assessment of impacts and risks can be done. I don’t see this. Dr. Jerry Jailall, OGGN To Everyone Hello, The EIA says that an oil spill has a high intensity of impact, very low probability. How do both intensities of impact and probability of occurrence change over time, from the time you open a deep well to the decommissioning. Also, if a spill does occur and you clean up, where will you dump the toxic waste? The EIA says nothing about this. Is there insurance for Liza 1 and 2 wells? Which company issued the insurance, what is the third-party coverage, and where is the proof of the insurance? There is also no formal guarantee between ExxonMobil and the Guyana Government that it would cover in full, the shortfall of costs associated with an unmitigated spill which are not covered by its subsidiary – the shell company, Esso Exploration and Production Guyana Limited (EEPGL). Does the EPA think that is acceptable? Glenn Lall To Everyone Is Guyana fully covered with insurance in the event of a well blow out? Dr. Jerry Jailall, OGGN To Everyone 5:31:08 PM News today says we are now importing fish from Jamaica. Bank of Guyana half year report says shrimp and fish production declining. Did ERM look at that study? Alissa Trotz To Everyone 5:31:48 PM Danuta Radzik To Everyone 5:36:13 PM Can you clarify if Yellowtail is not going to reinject the produced water, then that appears to contradict clause 12 of the PSA 2016. And if XOM can unilaterally change the PSA 2016, you would agree that the government also change its mind on specific items in the PSA? Is the EPA willing to hold Exxon to reinjecting the produced water versus its preference for easier work in just releasing the water into our marine habitat? This is in addition to produced water released by the Liza One, Liza Two and Payara Projects. How does the EPA intend to monitor all of this? Does the EPA know what technologies will be used by ExxonMobil in this regard? Based on Daily Discharges in table EIS-3 of: Cooling water -1,900,000 BPD or 304,000 m3 ie cubic metres Produced water – 225,000 BPD or 3,600 m3 ie cubic metres Wash water & brine – 315,000 BPD or 50,400 m3 cubic metres Bilge water - 1,800 BPD or 288 m3 cubic metres Calculated this would be 2,442,175 BPD or 358,344 cubic metres of waste discharges in Calculated cooling water, produced water, wash water & brine & bilge water this would be 2,442,175 BPD or 358,344 cubic metres of waste discharges into Guyana’s waters daily If this is then calculated for a month of 28 days this would be 68,380,900 BPD. Or approximately 2.8 billion gallons a month for 20 years. Is the EIA still asking Guyana to believe that this will have little to no impact taking into account the additional discharges from Liza 1 & Liza 2 and exploration and drilling in Canje B & Payara Block. The EIS 3 table does not document the minimum acceptable standards for each of these discharges just cites regulatory bodies. So we do not know the expected polluntants of different kinds which will be discharged These discharges does not include treated or untreated sewage and does not included ballast water discharge of 629,000 when Floating platforms are offloading oil from FPSOs to oil tankers, every 46 days I think. It also does not include planned discharges during well drilling, testing and i Isn’t the best practice to remove the structures when decommissioning. Leave the seafloor as you found it? Alissa Trotz To Everyone 5:52:14 PM wow. so this is the argument for leaving these structures behind?? Return to Dr. Jailall’s question about leaving these structures behind for the Caribbean to deal and live with. Theresa Rodriguez-Moodie To Everyone 5:55:07 PM Have the countries that are likely to be impacted by a spill, such as Jamaica, been consulted ND informed of the extent of this project? The impacts on our coastal ecology would be major also impacting our economy.; (3) The EIA document must be studied in more detail but it is already clear that it is deficient in providing sufficient evidence based information about the company's ability to contain or respond to spills and blow outs and there is no proof whatsoever of insurance and liability coverage for third party countries, (4) No consideration of alternatives to pumping this oil have been assessed given the climate impact on sister nations at even 1.5 degree warming, including Guyana; Alfred Bhulai To Everyone 5:55:13 PM Like in the Little Mermaid Disney movie Janette Bulkan To Everyone 5:55:15 PM Vanda Radzik has asked me to post her questions. She has sent them in a Word file. Dr. Jerry Jailall, OGGN To Everyone 5:55:36 PM Govt now has a billion dollar contract to remove wrecks from the river. Not sure why Exxon will leave lots of debris on the seabed and market it as a nice thing. Janette Bulkan To Everyone 1. The EIA should say which standards are obligatory in the industry and which best practices are being followed. Where are these obligatory standards documented? Where can we find these best practices? Where is the logbook of each best practice? What are the monitoring and reporting procedures in respect of each Standard? Where are the reports from monitoring from Liza-1 wells? Name the independent auditors that are verifying which aspects of your operation(s). Where are the audit reports published? Please share the pre-treatment and monitoring of pollutants and hazardous elements prior to discharge in accordance with permit requirements, international conventions, standards and best oil & gas industry practice. And please take into account the closely interrelated impacts of the Exxon-Mobil related shore-based service hazardous waste facilities (such as Schlumberger radioactive waste facility at Houston EBD) and include these impacts on the general health and well-being of humans. Vanda Radzik To Everyone But what about Cumulative Effects. Fish and Mammala and Birds will be affected by all the bilge and waste water and other toxic discharges into the sea water around these multiple floating oil rigs. Alfred Bhulai To Everyone How much lower volume of shipping when maintained more efficiently? Alissa Trotz To Everyone Increased cost of living is a minor impact? For whom is this considered minor? Alissa Trotz To Everyone 6:03:25 PM Increased cost of living is a minor impact? For whom is this considered minor? Alfred Bhulai To Everyone 6:03:31 PM What tax? Dr. Jerry Jailall, OGGN To Everyone 6:04:23 PM No increase in revenue if Government unable or unwilling to audit expense accounts. This reduces profit share. If they can’t audit Liza 1 and 2, how will they auidt Alissa Trotz To Everyone 6:04:25 PM Have cost of living surveys been commissioned or is this all speculative? Alfred Bhulai To Everyone 6:04:32 PM The oil companies got the governments to pay their tax for them. Janette Bulkan To Everyone 6:04:56 PM I agree with Alfred. What tax are you referencing? Dr. Jerry Jailall, OGGN To Everyone 6:05:37 PM How will they audit Payara, Yellowtail, if they can’t audit Liza 1 and 2? More money or less money? Janette Bulkan To Everyone 6:06:10 PM What are the risks that you assessed? Alfred Bhulai To Everyone 6:07:08 PM And how are the risk probabilities assigned? Dr. Jerry Jailall, OGGN To Everyone 6:10:38 PM Exxon using local services but not paying any taxes, while all other businesses pay taxes. So other businesses are subsidizing Exxon? Dr. Ramdas of OGGN wrote about this. Alfred Bhulai To Everyone 6:11:40 PM Wonderful to hear about the information sharing commitment. Vanda Radzik To Everyone 6:11:55 PM Dear Aretha, I am having difficulty getting my main Qs posted on Chat - that I’d like to ask. Can you post these on my behalf, if feasible? Sorry for any bother. Thanks Vanda. Dr. Jerry Jailall, OGGN To Everyone 6:13:06 PM Oil is gobbling up prime real estate, waterfront property. How will this affect the non-oil sector? Raquel Thomas To Everyone 6:13:36 PM Is the land leased or being sold.... Aretha Forde To Everyone 6:13:48 PM Yes Ms. Radzik, I have your document open and will share your questions once the part commences. Danuta Radzik To Everyone 6:13:52 PM The capacity of the FPSO is 1M barrels of oil. Your estimate is that you will be generating 225,000 barrels of produced water a day. So every 4 days you would have filled up the tanks of the FPSO with produced water? Dr. Jerry Jailall, OGGN To Everyone 6:14:20 PM So Guyana taxpayers subsidizing landfills for a company that pays no taxes? Danuta Radzik To Everyone 6:15:44 PM over 1 hour and the presentations are still how much longer will this be? Alissa Trotz To Everyone 6:16:51 PM Indeed. This is meant to be a CONSULTATION. Will there be at least time for questions from Guyanese, Caribbean and other concerned folks on this meeting? Alfred Bhulai To Everyone 6:16:59 PM How were risks assigned? E.g., What is the probability of "moderate"? Alissa Trotz To Everyone 6:19:29 PM This has NEVER been just about Guyana when it comes to an oil spill This is ridiculous Maroon Gathering To Everyone 6:19:42 PM Writing from Trinidad. Very Very concerned about this Vanda Radzik To Everyone 6:20:27 PM Yes indeed! Diana McCauley - it is Caribbean-wide impacts. The Ocean and sea does not being or end in Guyana. Not only spill - but the whole impacts on water, fish, mammals etc etc. It is a shared space. Alissa Trotz To Everyone 6:20:27 PM WHAT’S IMPORTANT TO UNDERSTAND IS THAT THIS IS NOT JUST A GUYANESE ISSUE Maroon Gathering To Everyone 6:20:37 PM Is Caricom aware of this? Alissa Trotz To Everyone 6:20:41 PM This is outrageous Danuta Radzik To Everyone 6:20:46 PM 5-40% that is a very big range Diana McCaulay To Everyone 6:20:58 PM Ridiculous range Melina Harris To Everyone 6:21:02 PM CARICOM Needs to sue the govt of Guyana and EEGPL for them to get the correct insurance Colin Klautky To Everyone 6:21:50 PM An oil spill will affect many CARICOM countries, but do they know this? Janette Bulkan To Everyone 6:22:21 PM So what is the flow rate? FPIC. Free, Prior and Informed Consent. Guyana subscribes to UNDRIP, 2007 which recommends FPIC in relation to Indigenous Peoples. Please explain how you have complied with FPIC recommendations in relation to the Indigenous communities in Regions 1, 2, and 3? What is the flow rate of the uncontrolled oil spill which you have modelled? One inflatable boom? This is eyepass Are you carrying USD 60 billion worth of insurance? If not, why not? Vanda Radzik To Everyone 6:26:00 PM Oil Spill is a definite thing. Oil and Oil Spill go hand in hand. Right now there is a 17 year old spill still going on offshore USA and was exposed in a recent 60 Mins US TV Programme. EEPGL/ EPA/ERM must stop talking about “negligible” and “low impact” in relation to the inevitable oil spills. Trinidad has has over 400 oil spills documented in its waters. Just check out Gary Aboud’s videos and FFOS organisation for a reality check! estherfigueroa1 To Everyone 6:26:14 PM it’s time to start answering the very specific and pertinent questions being asked and stop the stalling with pretense science Vanda Radzik To Everyone 6:26:41 PM Hello Esther! Well said! Alissa Trotz To Everyone 6:26:51 PM What did the ‘consultants’ recommend viz insurance, or is it fine with leave the Guyanese taxpayers to pick up all the costs?? Dr. Jerry Jailall, OGGN To Everyone 6:26:56 PM We need a release of the Insurance Policy for Liza 1, 2, and proposed policies for Payara and Yellowtail. iPhone (2) To Everyone 6:27:14 PM It’s called padding. Avoid the real concerns and pad the presentation with fake science Biodiversity loss is not insurable? Already we have mercury levels in fish on Trinidad’s East coast that is 5 times more than who safe limits and that water flows directly from guyana! Diana McCaulay To Everyone 6:27:35 PM The EIA in chapter 9 concerning a scenario of a loss of well event will impaxt many Caribbean countries! iPhone (2) To Everyone 6:27:45 PM Does guyana have any specific legislation to command waste disposal? Or are we reduced to depending on extractor charity that they will be responsible? Do we have a single extractor on planet earth that invests in sufficient emergency Responce planning mitigation or response infrastructure. Where are the drilling cuttings being discharged Janette Bulkan To Everyone 6:28:19 PM This is not supposed to be a disclosure meeting. The EP Act requires a consultation, not disclosure iPhone (2) To Everyone 6:28:21 PM I am from a fishery group in Trinidad and this is seriously dangerous based on the history of mismanagement by extractors. Vishani Ragobeer To Everyone 6:28:22 PM That was an accident, please disregard iPhone (2) To Everyone This is endangering the entire Caribbean tourism and fishery sectors Ulric Trotz To Everyone We have to be concerned about the possible impact of oil spills on neighbouring Caribbean countries. Not enough to say that spills will not come onshore in Guyana. This needs some serious consideration. David Singh To Everyone 6:30:52 PM Neville - the impact on the Caribbean Sea was emphasized since the Lisa 1 ESIA process. At that time the consultants did not address the question. Janette Bulkan To Everyone Mr Hall, the time factor referenced the 20-year life of Yellowtail. David Singh To Everyone 6:35:42 PM Dr Jailall's second question wasn't answered Melina Harris To Everyone 6:36:21 PM the million dollar question! Raquel Thomas To Everyone 6:37:26 PM A lot of questions to be answered... is the consultation going to extended past 8 pm? I hope so as Guyanese and Caribbean citizens need answers for some of these critical questions estherfigueroa1 To Everyone 6:37:40 PM the question where will the waste be taken has not been answered Alissa Trotz To Everyone 6:37:53 PM This was a specific question about insurance. What does ‘legitimate cost’ mean? You have failed to answer this question. We need specifics. YOU HAVE NOT ANSWERED Alfred Bhulai To Everyone 6:38:16 PM Yes, Raquel, up to 9 Diana McCaulay To Everyone 6:39:00 PM It is very difficult to hear the speaker Raquel Thomas To Everyone 6:39:01 PM ok thanks ... Glenn Lall To Everyone 6:39:14 PM there is no clear answer to that insurace questions Alissa Trotz To Everyone 6:39:25 PM Agreed with Mr. Lall. Diana McCaulay To Everyone 6:39:30 PM No clear answer to the waste question either Vanda Radzik To Everyone 6:42:09 PM How would you calculate “insurance” for the Caribbean Islands? Our Caribbean and its blue sea is priceless. Who and How can a dollar price be put on this? AND how can a price be put on my Guyana for despoiling it? Dr. Jerry Jailall, OGGN To Everyone 6:43:59 PM But they are collecting decommissioning costs now for Liza 1 and 2. Glenn Lall To Everyone 6:44:10 PM cant hear Diana McCaulay To Everyone 6:44:11 PM Can't hear Raquel Thomas To Everyone 6:44:15 PM cant hear him Glenn Lall To Everyone 6:44:17 PM cant hear Vanda Radzik To Everyone 6:44:20 PM We cannot hear Alfred Bhulai. Ask him to speak up! Raquel Thomas To Everyone 6:44:53 PM Still cant hear anything Glenn Lall To Everyone 6:45:03 PM still cant hera still cant hear Lakhram Bhagirat To Everyone 6:45:41 PM We cannot hear Mr Bhulai...can we pass on him until he sorts his issue out? Alissa Trotz To Everyone 6:45:45 PM go all the way up, he has asked this question close to the start of the session Vanda Radzik To Everyone 6:45:55 PM Cannot hear. He needs to turn up his volume or turn it up for him, if possible? Dr. Jerry Jailall, OGGN To Everyone 6:47:49 PM Full disclosure is still a big problem with O&G governance in Guyana. So when we talk about Yellowtail, it’s hard not to look at our history and experience with Liza 1, 2 & Payara. Diana McCaulay To Everyone 6:48:02 PM Can't hear Alissa Trotz To Everyone 6:48:35 PM Do the consultants have the requested data about the quantities and how they are flowing - Alfred Bhulai’s question Thank you. YES. Maroon Gathering To Everyone 6:50:38 PM Thank you Diana Diana McCaulay To Everyone 6:48:02 PM Can't hear Alissa Trotz To Everyone 6:48:35 PM Do the consultants have the requested data about the quantities and how they are flowing - Alfred Bhulai’s question Thank you. YES. Maroon Gathering To Everyone 6:50:38 PM Thank you Diana! Dr. Jerry Jailall, OGGN To Everyone 6:51:57 PM So raise the issue with the CARICOM Secretariat, so they can ask about comprehensive insurance coverage and the policy details. Glenn Lall To Everyone 6:52:04 PM well said Alissa Trotz To Everyone 6:52:17 PM Thank you, sister. Glenn Lall To Everyone 6:52:21 PM I love this lady Melina Harris To Everyone 6:52:33 PM YES Maya Trotz To Everyone Yes to Caribbean connections, Diana. Alissa Trotz To Everyone The consultants in their presentation carried on as if the discussion of a spill - already inadequate - was just of concern to Guyanese. They really do not get the region. Colin Klautky To Everyone Wonderful, Mrs. Mc Cauley. Alissa Trotz To Everyone welcome, FFOS from Trinidad and Tobago Diana McCaulay To Everyone 6:57:08 PM Colleagues, friends, we cannot let this happen. We KNOW, we can all SEE, what oil and gas has done to the world. Do not let the governments and professionals convince us to reject the evidence of our ears and eyes. We are already suffering from the effects of climate breakdown. It is incredible to hear anyone argue that deep well oil drilling presents AT MOST a moderate risk! SHAME. Alissa Trotz To Everyone 6:58:07 PM Thanks Diana and Gary. This is why we need a Caribbean massive to have our own conversations, address our concerns, organize together as Caribbean people. This cannot be, has never been just about Guyana. Diana McCaulay To Everyone 6:58:46 PM Agreed Alissa. Long overdue. shivnarine chaitram To Everyone 6:59:12 PM I agree as well Dr. Jerry Jailall, OGGN To Everyone 7:01:28 PM We do not trust our agencies because they were going to give Esso/Exxon 23 years of EPA permit instead of 5 as allowed by law. It took court action to refer that. So any conclusion of a low risk for the big Yellowtail project is a promise to fools. We do not want Yellowtail to “cut our tails.” So poor EPA monitoring, no audits, no disclosure of Insurance policies, dealing with shell companies as Esso with little real assets, is not an inspiring story. David Singh To Everyone 7:03:18 PM For Lisa 1, the oil spill equipment was to have been sourced from Miami if I recall. The consultants would be able to verify if correct, and what was the stated turnaround time for landing in Guyana. Is this the same for Yellowtail? Vanda Radzik To Everyone 7:04:16 PM Exactly, Gary Aboud! We cannot ourselves to be “hoodwinked”. Ol Spill is inevitable. Will occur most definitely. Your TT experience os a reality check. Also, Guyana has indeed signed & ratified the Minamata Convention. Maya Trotz To Everyone 7:06:17 PM Gary’s points and questions are on point. Dr. Jerry Jailall, OGGN To Everyone 7:06:24 PM Yellowtail must follow EITI and Escazu guidelines for accountability and full disclosure. Host To Everyone 7:06:46 PM Good points are being raised by Gary Diana McCaulay To Everyone 7:07:10 PM We are risking our entire islands! estherfigueroa1 To Everyone 7:07:44 PM thx gary Raquel Thomas To Everyone 7:07:44 PM Insurance addressing following - FIsheries, Tourism and Biodiversity Loss.... agree. Kemraj. (EPA) hope this addressed...very good points he made Host To Everyone 7:07:53 PM All great points raised by Gary Mike Persaud To Everyone 7:10:24 PM Members who cite COP26 probably would like Guyana to leave the oil under the seabed. I would like the oil to be drilled - providing the Oil companies have adequate insurance coverage, drilled safely with minimum damage to the environment and Guyana gets a fair share of the revenues. gary aboud fishermen amd friends of the sea trinidad To Everyone 7:12:09 PM I thought I asked 6 questions and got one answer Maya Trotz To Everyone 7:12:12 PM Waste management plan likely includes eventual dump in Haags Bosch landfill. We are yet to see water quality monitoring data for the site. So, wondering how EIA gets to conclusions when local facility is failing to provide meaningful data to evaluate how well its functioning at managing hazardous materials? Host To Everyone 7:12:14 PM Exxon Valdez Spill in 1989 has not been fully cleaned up till today Diana McCaulay To Everyone 7:12:19 PM From ERM website: RE COP26 - "The hope is that the meeting will set clear ambitious and binding policies that will drive action towards a net zero world in line with a 1.5C pathway - and that all countries ratchet up their emissions reduction commitments, reinforcing their intent and sending a clear message that there is no turning back." But here we are - TURNING BACK Dr. Jerry Jailall, OGGN To Everyone 7:13:29 PM Yes Mike, we need to renegotiate the contract so Guyana gets the lion’s share of benefits. We can’t have companies not paying taxes, getting all kinds of tax-free breaks on imports, spoiling our environment and we get crumbs form the Master’s table. KN and Mr. Glenn Lall has done much education on this. gary aboud fishermen amd friends of the sea trinidad To Everyone 7:14:09 PM This speaker is asking critical questions Diana McCaulay To Everyone 7:14:13 PM sHAME ON oops - wasn't finished. A lot to go around, still.. Alissa Trotz To Everyone 7:15:10 PM Agreed Diana. And we have other examples in the Caribbean that should inspire us all to not settle for this. Look at Belize who said NO to deep sea drilling: Host To Everyone 7:16:22 PM Well said Vanda estherfigueroa1 To Everyone 7:16:44 PM yes vanda! Host To Everyone 7:19:16 PM Exxon promises are not worth anything. They have refused to take responsibility of the spill on the coast of Alaska by the Exxon Valdex in 1989. Vanda Radzik To Everyone 7:19:17 PM Are you complying with thee Treaties that you have listed? gary aboud fishermen amd friends of the sea trinidad To Everyone 7:20:59 PM Great answer but can’t define what was said Maya Trotz To Everyone 7:21:11 PM An EIA is supposed to address policy Vanda Radzik To Everyone 7:22:15 PM ERM - are you contributing to the global warming and the risk of above 1.5 C? Dr. Jerry Jailall, OGGN To Everyone 7:26:43 PM The Govt’s statements on low carbon strategy does not align well with the lack of transparency, poor governance of O & G, and taking indecent liberties with the environment. Please listen to the people who care and are asking the hard questions. These may be your best friends not your enemies. gary aboud fishermen amd friends of the sea trinidad To Everyone 7:29:32 PM These are very good questions that will not be answered. Excellent questions How much is enough? Host To Everyone 7:34:30 PM If there is no one to hold Exxon accountable, they will do as they please. Alfred Bhulai To Everyone 7:34:54 PM When the water is treated to remove the contaminants, where do the contaminants go? To the Haags Bosch Landfill? James T To Everyone 7:35:55 PM Table 3.1.1 in the EEPGL ESMP speaks to a Flare Minimisation Plan being developed would this be a pre-requisite to approval of the ESIA? Reference was made to sparing of compressors to reduce the frequency and duration of non-routine flaring what is the sparing philosophy that achieves this goal and what will be the corresponding % availability. Does the flare minimisation plan include the re-injection of the up to 620 MMscfd as indicated in the Yellowtail Project Summary (see below)? estherfigueroa1 To Everyone 7:37:56 PM great job danuta - thx! Janette Bulkan To Everyone 7:40:06 PM SO, how much produced water is or will be stored on the FPSO? So, why will you be drilling wells to reinject produced water? After these repeated cycles of treatment, what happens to the residues? Is it shipped back to the USA, as recommended by Vanda? Alissa Trotz To Everyone 7:50:09 PM An oil spill is not confined to so called Guyana waters… Janette Bulkan To Everyone 7:50:44 PM Which section of the EP Act, Mr Willey? Dr. Jerry Jailall, OGGN To Everyone 7:50:50 PM But if the project goes awry and damage the coastlines of others, who pays? Esso or Guyana? Alissa Trotz To Everyone 7:51:26 PM Which laws and procedures are being followed? David Singh To Everyone 7:52:08 PM this is a major issue ESIA consultants... Area of Influence knows no boundaries... gary aboud fishermen amd friends of the sea trinidad To Everyone 7:52:22 PM The man can’t even pronounce guyana ! Oh gosh Alissa Trotz To Everyone 7:52:26 PM This is a non answer, sorry gary aboud fishermen amd friends of the sea trinidad To Everyone 7:53:34 PM There is a trend in these meetings is to shirt the questions, to assure nothing, to guarantee nothing, What exactly is “legitimate costs”? Dr. Jerry Jailall, OGGN To Everyone 7:54:16 PM Will all the questions asked here and answers be included in final documents? Alfred Bhulai To Everyone 7:54:40 PM Did not hear the answer clearly. Alissa Trotz To Everyone 7:54:49 PM We need specifics about the insurance. These are not answers - Ms. Harris, Mr. Lall, Dr. Jailall have all asked for SPECIFICS about insurance and all we are getting is vague generalities Dr. Jerry Jailall, OGGN To Everyone 7:55:07 PM I am hearing clearly Maya Trotz To Everyone 7:55:07 PM We hear you gary aboud fishermen amd friends of the sea trinidad To Everyone 7:55:10 PM I can hear Alfred Bhulai To Everyone 7:55:26 PM Candacie has the problem Maya Trotz To Everyone 7:55:29 PM We hear both of you Colin Klautky To Everyone 7:55:33 PM I'm hearing all of you. Jason Willey (ERM) To Everyone 7:55:33 PM yes we can hear both of you Dr. Jerry Jailall, OGGN To Everyone 8:03:10 PM Govt/EPA/ESSO will have more credibility if info. is routinely and liberally shared in accordance with EITI/Escazu/EPA guidelines. The public should not have to do all kinds of antics to pull info. from the info. sources. Citizens trust you more when you demonstrate there is nothing to hide. Maya Trotz To Everyone On fire, Simone. Great points and questions. Alfred Bhulai To Everyone Well put, Dr Jailall Colin Klautky To Everyone Amazing revelations Mrs. Mangal-Joly. Alissa Trotz To Everyone Thank you Simone Dr. Jerry Jailall, OGGN To Everyone We need this lady on the Petroleum Commission. She speaks for all Guyanese who wants to see more accountability in O&G. estherfigueroa1 To Everyone 8:10:37 PM brilliant simone - brava! Janette Bulkan To Everyone 8:11:11 PM Simone, thank you for a clear statement on critical issues Vanda Radzik To Everyone 8:11:37 PM Well Said, Simone! Thank You! David Singh To Everyone 8:12:04 PM Did or does the fisheries study include Caribbean fisheries? Alissa Trotz To Everyone 8:13:19 PM What does not directly involved mean? indirectly involved, then? no you have not… Janette Bulkan To Everyone 8:13:38 PM So, was Mr Nokta paid for doing nothing? Alissa Trotz To Everyone 8:14:16 PM NONE of these questions from Simone Mangal-Joly was answered! P To Everyone 8:14:48 PM you didn't answer her questions! moderator ask miss simone if her questions were answered ...they were not simonemangal-joly To Everyone 8:16:08 PM FOR THE RECORD I disagree completely that the lack of baseline for fisheries is a “perceived lack of baseline”. You cannot be collecting information after the fact and calling it a baseline now. This is elementary and plainly incompetent reasoning. One expects better of professionals. Dr. Jerry Jailall, OGGN To Everyone 8:16:16 PM That’s good news Mr. Parsram. You did graciously hold this zoom meeting and agreed to record the session. Thank you Sir. Keep up the good work. simonemangal-joly To Everyone 8:16:29 PM My questions were not answered: Where are you putting the material cleaned up from a potential spill? gary aboud fishermen amd friends of the sea trinidad To Everyone 8:17:06 PM 10% of questions are being answered simonemangal-joly To Everyone 8:17:34 PM There were more…. Janette Bulkan To Everyone 8:19:27 PM So, 100,000 cu metres of ballast water per tanker. Multiplied by 7 tankers per month. This is a huge amount of ballast water — implies low probability but very high impact of invasive species Kemraj Parsram To Everyone 8:20:01 PM ERM can you please respond to questions re disposal of spill waste and fisheries data Janette Bulkan To Everyone 8:20:46 PM Mr Laws, all your billions of dollars invested are being recovered through cost oil. Alissa Trotz To Everyone 8:21:04 PM Show us. This is all Mr. Lall is asking for. simonemangal-joly To Everyone 8:21:23 PM The EIA must contained proof of insurance , coverage amount, and maximum thyroid party coverage, transboundary coverage before it can be approved. Dr. Jerry Jailall, OGGN To Everyone 8:21:41 PM Word of mouth not good for a big project that can devastate a country and its neighbors. Vanda Radzik To Everyone 8:21:46 PM Yes, Mr Glen Lall, exactly, where is the public disclosure on Insurance and assurance? Alissa Trotz To Everyone 8:22:16 PM Dr. Jerry Jailall, OGGN To Everyone 8:24:46 PM What is perplexing is that Exxon has enormous experience in O&G, and that compressor took as many journeys as Burnham’s body😃before it got fixed. Alfred Bhulai To Everyone 8:25:15 PM Mr Lall, he is saying he has spare compressors on board the FPSO Vanda Radzik To Everyone 8:26:59 PM Stop the flaring. It should not be allowed. It is part of what is killing the atmosphere and our planet. Emissions, emissions, emissions! Violations galore. Janette Bulkan To Everyone 8:27:18 PM Mr Laws, re insurance. Look at the PSA 2016, section 2.4 says that liability is limited Dr. Jerry Jailall, OGGN To Everyone 8:28:29 PM Please eat you favorite gilbacka, shrimps, cuffum before Yellowtail comes on stream. Looks like all the discharged water would harm our fisheries. Alfred Bhulai To Everyone 8:28:37 PM But where does the waste go after the hydrocyclone and other treatment of the produced water? Janette Bulkan To Everyone 8:28:57 PM Also section 20.2 says that insurance … in such amounts as is customary. It does not say ‘unlimited’ Dr. Jerry Jailall, OGGN To Everyone 8:31:09 PM I think there is “reasonable doubt” about Yellowtail and its impact on Guyana. The Govt says, “drill baby, drill,” and Esso says the same. The two are on the same side. You the people are on the other side. Will EPA release document when done? Vanda Radzik To Everyone 8:35:35 PM Good Night Mr Paesram: Would we the people also be “comfortable” with the project? Janette Bulkan To Everyone 8:37:09 PM Mr Persram, there is nothing about insurance in the EP Act David Singh To Everyone the Director of the EPA has asked ERM to respond to two questions Alissa Trotz To Everyone 8:38:33 PM exxactly Iphone To Everyone 8:40:05 PM Wow! Dr Trotz! Amazing! Marie Correia To Everyone 8:42:21 PM The Haags-Bosch is not licensed or engineered for chemical waste. It is an extremely basic landfill meant to sequester household waste - not industrial waste. Alissa Trotz To Everyone 8:42:31 PM silence… WOW Iphone To Everyone 8:42:40 PM Wow! Melina Harris To Everyone 8:42:47 PM shame Colin Klautky To Everyone 8:43:24 PM Sounds frightful. Alissa Trotz To Everyone 8:43:53 PM NOT answering the question Dr Raquel Thomas To Everyone 8:43:58 PM radioactive materials????????? this is very frightful indeed Malene Alleyne (Freedom Imaginaries) To Everyone 8:44:44 PM Are these radioactive sources already in Guyana? Marie Correia To Everyone 8:44:47 PM Do we even have information on what "radioactive" material is being brought in? Last meeting I was in with the EPA, they couldn't even tell me what type of radiation would be emitted. Phone (2) To Everyone 8:46:46 PM my god! Iphone To Everyone 8:47:02 PM Is this facility in Guyana? Alissa Trotz To Everyone 8:47:22 PM Like THIS one: estherfigueroa1 To Everyone 8:48:26 PM maya - you have left them speechless…. iPhone (2) To Everyone 8:48:37 PM Excellent questions dr trotz Iphone To Everyone 8:48:41 PM This is just so sad Vanda Radzik To Everyone 8:49:23 PM Maya: Brilliant and “on point”. Thank you. Alissa Trotz To Everyone 8:49:35 PM What tonight has revealed to Guyanese and Caribbean people is that NONE of these critical questions has been answered. HOW can this go ahead????? This is supreme arrogance on the part of these ‘consultants’ who have demonstrated such rank disregard for Caribbean peoples Maya Trotz To Everyone 8:50:56 PM Thanks. Like everyone else also. We definitely need follow up as Caribbean citizens amongst ourselves. Alissa Trotz To Everyone 8:51:04 PM YES Melina Harris To Everyone 8:51:21 PM yes JP To Everyone 8:53:26 PM Miss simone stay unmuted and ensure your questions are answered the way Ms. Trotz did Dr Raquel Thomas To Everyone 8:54:24 PM Excellent questions simonemangal-joly To Everyone 8:55:17 PM Just say what is toxic? What radio active substances come to shore and how are they treated? Marie Correia To Everyone 8:55:22 PM I also would like to know what the chemical composition of the waste is. simonemangal-joly To Everyone 8:55:23 PM Surely there is a summary here? You had NO FISHERIES INDUSTRY BASELINE DATA . I know the two studies. It was a ecological study NOT socio-ecological study Alissa Trotz To Everyone 8:56:53 PM keep your hand up Simone and make this point for the verbal record please simonemangal-joly To Everyone 8:57:07 PM I read the appendix THAT IS NOT A BASELINE onbthe fisheries industry My hand is still up They have muted me. No you did not meet the baseline criteria.muted muted David Singh To Everyone 9:00:26 PM ERM, having done work in Suriname as well as Guyana should know that the fisheries resources is a shared resource in the Guyana-Suriname Basin... neglecting transboundary issues is deeply worrying James T To Everyone 9:00:44 PM What is sparing philosophy of these compressors given the sensitivity of this issue? What is the availability of the overall gas re-injection system from topsides down to reservoir given that only three(3) gas injection wells are show in the figure below of which two are daisy-chained? Janette Bulkan To Everyone 9:02:23 PM As there are far more questions in the Chatbox which you have not attempted to address in this Zoom session, how is ERM going to deal with the outstanding questions, as part of its obligation to compile the EIA including the inputs from public consultations? There is no indication in the EP Act that the EIA compiler can arbitrarily limit the number or scope of questions from consultations. Therefore we ask ERM to reply in writing to all unanswered questions within 30 days and we will be copying our questions to the daily Press. Alissa Trotz To Everyone 9:02:50 PM STOP - Stop The Oil Production Not a single question has been properly answered. What we have seen is evasion for the past four hours. Excellent list Vanda. We have seen this elsewhere - FFOS can tell us about Trinidad and Tobago. And here is an example from St. Croix. This could be US. Caribbean people we need to speak to each other: James T To Everyone 9:07:41 PM Can an availability study of the gas injection system be requested as a pre-requisite for approval of this ESIA given the track record of poor compressor reliability, sensitivity and currency of hydrocarbon emissions? Will the gas injection system PFD shown below be spared? Is there a common mode of failure between the trains? Melina Harris To Everyone 9:08:42 PM Excellent Yes! Alissa Trotz To Everyone 9:10:37 PM which is basically ALL the questions, since none was properly answered here tonight. simonemangal-joly To Everyone 9:14:39 PM Thank you Gary. I join you in this statement. Marie Correia To Everyone 9:15:19 PM Agreed Vanda Radzik To Everyone 9:17:47 PM Thank you, Janette. All our Qs posed today must be collated and Yes Gary, they should be included in the ESIA. This is good way forward.